Bombay Beach Biennale


“Bombay Beach Biennale 2023” [Essays & Articles]

BBB — an intersection of community, creativity, conversation, co-creation, and chaos.
BBB — a microcosm on the edge of reality.
BBB — a potent crucible for discovery, lunacy, and beauty at play.

Bombay Beach is a heterotopia, it is a place and non-place. It is a space of in-between. There is a vortex of time that exists here, which dilutes its directionality, and you begin to approach the Now, or the Infinite, two sides of the same clock.
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MUA [Curation & Event Programming] 

Lecture: "The City is Dead, Long Live the City!" Lecture by Colin O'Donell
Exhibit: “72 Polaroids” by Archive of Affinities

The Keyhole

Installation: Inverted Disco Ball 


T-Shirt: “BOMB”

The Keyhole  [Curation & Event Programming]

Exhibitions: “Axis Mundi,” batik textiles by Jane Maru, and “Self-Immersion,” photography series by Ifusha

"Cultural Alchemy: A Day of Bread, Bow, Beats, and Beyond"  [Curation & Event Programming]

Tai Chi Archery by Gallo Christopher
Edible Installation by Ananas Ananas 
Culinary Arts by Chef Catherine 
Music by Nøt That


Map & Schedule


Curator of Curiosities: Anna Meloyan
Assistant Director: Mark Mack

Exhibition Participants: 
Gabriel Fries-Briggs 'Imprecisely Wrong'  
Sean Griffiths – 'Dune House' 
Andrew Kovacs
– 'Miniature Water Tower Catch Basin'
Mark Mack
– 'Magicians' Lair'

Programming @Plaza Orange at MUA:
Music: No Pants Party DJ Set
b.e.a.t.s. movement: A Mind-Body Spirit Activation
Furry Bubbles: Goldify DJ Set & Day Party
Moonbase Disco DJ Set 
Ari Shark DJ Set 

Publication:  Anna Meloyan, Curator of Curiosities impressions on BBB:

“BB is an in-between place, where seemingly paradoxical happenings are commonplace and encouraged. Anyone drawn to this environment is welcome -- there is a non-hierarchical inclusion which produces a diverse community of creatives, locals, and volunteers all merging into a self-inspired and self-sustaining organism. This organism is in constant and rapid evolution (though time is not a subject worth pondering here). Absorbed by the radical love and involvement in community, no artist is left behind -- from those well-established in the 'established' world to those curious to see what putting two bricks together may feel like, BB offers a space to explore and create. For those navigating a world largely saturated with limits, codes, and rules, here is an invitation to open and express freely, allowing creatives of all types to drop restrictions placed on them by their respective professions, and engage in critical play.”


Postmodernism Week Posters
Map & Schedule 
T-Shirt: “MUA”
T-Shirt: “The Trip”

The Institute 

Installation & Exhibition: Palletial Gallery of Almost Spheres  

Published: A Hotel Life


Map & Schedule
Wayfinding Signage

Curation & Event Programming

Hinterlands Kiosk by Berenika Boberska & Scrap Marshall
Mobile-Sanctuary by Daniel Paul Schubert
Venus of the Salton Sea by Annie Pendergrast
Say it with Flowers by Shayari de Silva & Jenny Kim @Discro-tron
Music Programming

2017 | Year 1: The Way the Future Used to Be 
Installation: w Love: share notes to/from the universe (interactive installation 5th & Ave E)  

Assist: International Pavilions with Mark Mack